How to do dumbbell sumo goblet squats:
- Stand wide – around double your shoulder width – with toes pointed outwards.
- Start with a single dumbbell underneath your chin in both hands, holding at the top of the weight, with palms cupped around it.
- Push hips back slightly and bend knees to sit down into a squat.
- Lower yourself until thighs are parallel with the floor.
- Push your feet into the ground, straighten your knees and push hips forward slightly to bring yourself back to the starting position.
- Repeat.
Muscle groups worked
A great squat variation that works the quads, glutes, hip adductors, and abdominal muscles. This helps strengthen your core as well as building those leg muscles.
Easy to blast out some reps anywhere even with limited space and eqiupment.
Improve your form and technique
Keep the back straight and don’t lean forward – try reducing weight if you find yourself leaning.