Side lunge (wide stance)

Work those thighs and improve your stability

How to do wide-stance dumbbell side lunges:

  1. Plant both feet on the floor in a wide stance.
  2. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with arms straight down, in line with the mid-thigh.
  3. Keeping your right leg straight, bend your left leg until your knee lines up with your foot, shifting your weight to the left.
  4. At the same time, lean forward at the hips – keeping back straight – and extend arms straight down towards the floor.
  5. Hold for a moment at the bottom.
  6. Reverse the movement: straighten the left leg and bring the weights back up to the thighs, shifting your weight back to the center.
  7. Repeat on the opposite side – keep the left leg straight and bend the right.
  8. Boom! That's one rep.

Muscle groups worked


As well as being a great workout for the thigh muscles, this lateral movement helps build strength, core stability and balance.

Improve your form and technique

Tips to master this wide-stance variant of the side lunge: